About me

photography makes me happy…capturing street action…making portraits…experimenting with abstracts…my muse ,the beach , sea and the entire paraphernalia… nature always…travel excites me…people thrill me…capturing all this…photography makes me happy:)


  1. The site looks very good now. I have no steady fingers to click but i do know photographs unearth and recreate history. Some of your pictures are truly brilliant! Keep clicking and let us all feel proud of you! God Bless!


  2. Great work Sandy….as always….congratulations!…..I always enjoy your photographs….keep clicking!


  3. Madam all ur work reflects the beauty of heart …..
    only a beautiful heart can see the beauty in this divine nature ….
    u hv put those words into practice that beauty is found even in the smallest thing in this world ..
    divinity, peace, beauty and happiness are those virtues that shine n express themselves through these pictures ..
    sometimes they say a million things ..
    it is only my limitation to profit from them n learn from them …..
    these pictures gives the message that the world is still a wonderful place to live and we hv only seen .001 % of it …
    there is so much to b seen … explored ….


  4. sandra i am actually proud to know someone like you…whose love for photography spills through the lens,and brightens our world.wonderful.happy to have met you when we were in our teens.little did i know..here’s a great artist in the making.well done girl.


  5. These are wonderful photos. I greatly admire your vision and skill as a photographer, and it’s a privilege to be able to see some of the world through your eyes. FJ, Frank Johnson


  6. I just saw your comment on Priya’s blog that you’re having your first solo photo exhibition tomorrow. Good luck Sandra. I’d love to see your originals on the wall – what a shame that I live so far away.


  7. I’m really enjoying your pictures Sandra and am so glad I hit the follow button. Just one weeny thing, please don’t be offended – but a ‘like’ button would be great just so you know people’d dropped by and loved your post, even if they don’t have time ot have a chat.


      1. Me too Sandra – so I know how sometimes you can understand every word of the instructions and still don’t know what they mean!

        The “Like” button isn’t a Widget. On your main edit screen, either when you’re making a new post, or editing an existing post, the final option, at the bottom of your work page, on the left of the active screen there will be a “Likes and Shares” heading, with two boxes for likes and shares. Highlight them and when you save your post (or update your existing posts) the “Like” button will appear. Once you’ve enabled them, that’s your default, so you don’t need to remember to activate each time.

        If you want to use the “Rating” stars, go into “Settings”, “Ratings” in your dashboard’s side panel. There’re two options for where to place the ratings stars, and whether you want ratings on Posts only, or Posts and Pages (I’d recommend the former, and go for the placement down by the Like bottom).

        I hope this makes sense?


    1. thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words,especially as i seemed to have hit a blank wall in creativity of late:(i am going to check out your blog …see you around..cheers sandy


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